Have you got a home extension or renovation plan on your mind… or even already much in mind and due soon onto YOUR ‘life’ agenda ..during the next year or so?
Comprehensive guidance
To help get those ‘grey cells’ of yours churning a little more- in order to get set for YOUR up and coming home project – spotted online recently by the Mint team was some ideal, comprehensive guidance and ‘what to do’ information… reference the moves to make and considerations needed….in order to help ensure a successful home extension or renovation project for You!
Steps and processes
In Cheltenham and The Cotswolds, the expert team at Mint Builders are, of course, always on hand to meet and discuss with you ALL the steps and processes you will surely need and want to consider for your home project, in order to get off on the right foot…. so to speak!
Valuable starter
But a little guiding online ‘early days’ information and clarification – from the well-informed HomeOwners Alliance is always worthwhile too…. we, at Mint, would very much say this is certainly the case! Such experienced, informed guidance is certainly worth reviewing to aid your home project organising and ‘get started’ key considerations.
check here …
This most useful home project guidance and information is simple to get hold of – just go check this link …right here… https://hoa.org.uk/advice/guides-for-homeowners/i-am-improving/home-extension-where-do-i-start/?utm_source….….
We at Mint very much suggest that checking out this highly useful schedule of the very best HOA information, guidance help and words of wisdom will surely help guide and aid YOUR home project startup planning and essential organisation…just read on then …
a. Extending your home is, of course, a popular way to increase space and add value to your property. With the hassle and costs of moving house – from legal fees to stamp duty – the reasons to stay put and improve your existing home soon mount up.
b. Also, unless money is no object, it’s worth checking with an estate agent on whether your project plan could ….and would…. indeed add value to your home!
c. Get a clear indication of how much your home could increase in value through your project . This may help your vital budgeting for the project. Here on this link – guide to home renovation costs…. https://hoa.org.uk/advice/guides-for-homeowners/i-am-buying/house-renovation-costs/ is more info still… which can also help you with your project budgeting.
d. You can undertake some extension projects without the need for planning permission, referred to as your ….click the link for the full story!
e. Regardless of whether or not planning permission is required, any renovation project must comply with building regulations . ….for more on this …click here …building regulations…
f. Before starting your project it’s important that you contact your home and contents insurance provider to let them know of your plans. The extension will likely increase the rebuild cost of your house. Insurers take this into account when pricing premiums.
Worthwhile ‘info’
That’s not all of course…..there is yet still more valuable, very worthwhile information available from the HOA experts, all of which is very much essential to review and thus help make your project a success. This key info includes the likes of….. leaseholds and freeholds …. Your Neighbours …party walls …Finding an Architect and…. Will you need a structural Engineer?….and more..
Most essential
Most essentially… and unavoidable is, of course, those so so vital money and finance issues reference your planned project……including the likes of …Getting quotes…Home extension costs…Setting a budget… Remortgaging and a home improvement loan – Reference all this vital info and more…..go here …. https://hoa.org.uk/advice/guides-for-homeowners/i-am-buying/how-to-remortgage/
Worth knowing
So now you know ….plenty to think about then… and ALL well worth taking into account ….it’s ALL here on this link…..https://hoa.org.uk/advice/guides-for-homeowners/i-am-improving/home-extension-where-do-i-start/?utm_source…… …. all very helpful for sure, in order to help you bring about YOUR project success in ALL respects.

In Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds we at Mint Builders are set to hand hold you all the way when it comes to your considered project. Approved by the Federation of Master Builders… if you engage with us at Mint Builders you will ensure you as a client can relax in the knowledge that you are working with a professional, expert, and much respected company.
Innovative build solutions
For us, we feel no project is too challenging, or too much trouble when it comes to delivering on time, effectively and on budget. MD Simon West and his team definitely deliver practical, innovative building solutions for all kinds of residential properties, taking both pride AND dedication to help achieve that vital added sales price value for the future.
An attentive approach
For full restorations, developments and refurbishments and, also, more modest projects, we at Mint embrace an attentive modern approach to all activities, large and small, retaining a respected traditional attitude to all aspects of customer service.

Mint is dedicated to giving its clients the best advice and solutions….. to ensure every project undertaken meets individual precise needs and requirement in every respect!
Added sales price value
For Mint, all and every extension or renovation project they handle for you can surely help achieve more space and a wonderful improved home environment AND… very importantly… and very hopefully…. vital future ‘added sales-price value’ too for most types and size of properties as and when you do sell-up and move later on.
Here to help
We are here to help YOU get all those vital key decisions right for your Home renovation or extension plans ….all, of course, in aid of progressing YOUR future…and that of your family!
We at Mint Builders are, of course, here to help locally with all kinds of questions and ideas and much practical advice too – including costings – all relating to your up and coming home project and plans. We at Mint are ready to assist with your 2024 home renovation priority planning and project organisation of all kinds.
Feel free to request our project review and quotation visit to refurbish or extend your home for more energy saving ‘liveability’ and vital increased future protective money-making ‘added sales value’, never more vital than now. Contact Mint Builders on 07734 211958 or email mintbuilders@hotmail.co.uk