There is ongoing constant housing industry ‘talk’ to the fore right now, reference the improvement – or otherwise – as to the housing market outlook for the remainder of this current year ..and indeed… on into next year too!!
Market uplift slowing…
It’s understood that house prices have risen only slightly so far this year, and that hopes of a significant market ‘uplift’ are probably already slowing currently, due to the ‘ins and outs’ of mortgage rate levels going on into the year ahead …and probably for sure ..into next year too!

Highlighted Andrew Asaam, Homes Director at Lloyds Banking Group reference mortgage rates online recently “Despite indications that mortgage rates are past their peak, and that rates are reducing, they’re still up from the low levels that people had become used to. The squeeze on available cash and uncertainty that consumers are facing, will result in a smaller housing market in 2024, and we expect house prices to fall between 2% and 4% this year”.

Stephen Maunder of Which added, “House prices have risen slightly so far this year, but hopes of a significant market uplift have been delayed by stubbornly high mortgage rates”.
Worthwhile consideration
With these variable and quite challenging housing market outlook scenarios in mind… and the seemingly fluctuating outlook reference property pricing still very much ‘on the scene’ – so to speak…..we, at Mint would tend to point out that
….gaining potential added sales price value if possible – by way of a a well-planned and cost effective home extension or renovation – is surely, right now, both a sound and MOST worthwhile ‘going forward’ consideration!
Extend Now – Move Later
As we, at Mint Builders have said many times before … we suggest it IS right to say it again now ….Extend Now – Move Later – a fair approach indeed, in view of the current wavering state of the housing market outlook!
Home project – add value
As things are ….we suggest, that adding value to your property with a home project …is a most worthwhile and sound idea… both…. for the ‘here and now’…. and, also, on into next Spring …..and even beyond too! All very much worth considering…..!!
‘Added sales price value’ – Mint style!
In Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds, we at Mint Builders are, of course, always able to organise, plan and complete every kind of home extension or renovation, project and very much with an eye to achieving impressive added sales price value to your property when the time IS eventually right for you to make that considered, all-important ‘later on’ home move!

Approved by the Federation of Master Builders… if you engage with us at Mint Builders….. you will ensure that you as a client can relax in the knowledge that you are working with a professional, expert, and much respected, imaginative company.
Innovative build solutions
For us at Mint , we feel no project is too challenging, or too much trouble, when it comes to delivering on time, effectively AND on budget too. MD Simon West and his team definitely deliver practical, innovative building solutions for all kinds of residential properties, taking both pride AND dedication in order to help YOU achieve that vital added sales price value for the future.
An attentive approach
For full restorations, developments and refurbishments and, also, more modest projects, we at Mint embrace an attentive, modern approach to all activities, large and small, retaining a respected traditional attitude to all aspects of customer service. best advice and solutions
Best advice and budgeting
Mint is dedicated to giving its clients the best advice and solutions ….. to ensure every project undertaken meets individual precise needs and requirements in every respect..including it build project budgeting!
Added sales price value
For us at Mint, all and every extension or renovation project we handle for you can surely help achieve so so much – more space… and a wonderful improved home environment.
Also, very importantly… and very hopefully….we can also help our customers achieve that ‘oh so vital’ future ‘added sales-price value’ for most types and size of properties…. as and when you do eventually sell-up and move at a later date!
Here to help
We are here to help you get ALL the vital key decisions right for your Home renovation or extension plans ….….all, of course, in aid of progressing YOUR future…and that of all of your family! A happy home future to you and yours – we’re here to help !
We at Mint Builders are, of course, here to help locally with all kinds of questions and ideas and much practical advice too – including costings – all relating to your up and coming home project and plans. We at Mint are ready to assist with your 2024 home renovation priority planning and project organisation of all kinds.
Feel free to request our project review and quotation visit to refurbish or extend your home for more energy saving ‘liveability’ and vital increased future protective money-making ‘added sales value’, never more vital than now. Contact Mint Builders on 07734 211958 or email mintbuilders@hotmail.co.uk