When it comes to a new kitchen extension …. it would seem that more than any other home project or improvement…the kitchen is so… so often all about being sure to consider and include ‘must have’ trends and other numerous more recognised, up to date effects… the very best you can!
Buyer reaction
The right look and style in the your new kitchen is not just about how YOU feel about it ..but ALSO how a potential future buyer might react to it when you decide to make that ‘later-on’ home move… at some stage….
Best for ‘sales price’
Take note – that it’s a fact in so many cases …that of all the many home improvement projects, the kitchen is THE one that can help homeowners like you achieve for yourself the VERY BEST added sales price value as and when the time comes for that ‘later on’ move to a new home!
THE NOW effect
For sure, when it comes to so many kitchen improvement projects, it is so so often all about style, and the impression made by presenting originality and a very much going on ‘NOW’ effect! It’s all about that bit of razzmatazz, dynamism of the total visual and often also the presentation of a recognised and vibrant image .
Cabinet ‘choices
For starters, the choice of cabinets ..is a vital consideration say the experts … so it’s important to get to to know what really is trending when your project is getting underway. ….No wonder …as after all …the kitchen – or a good many kitchens anyway…. are very much nowadays all about the right styling and presentation.
Up to date ..trendy
Kitchen project sales price value earning for the future very much involves making sure your kitchen renovation scores well in the ‘up to date trendy’ stakes …It’s all about getting those kitchen cabinet choices right in terms of what’s the trend in demand now.and also what has the style …as well as the best practical usage and general appeal. Remember – that getting these key ‘must have’ decisions right, will surely help you achieve that extra home- selling sales cash later on.
A ‘trending’ kitchen
On this ‘get the right trending effects in that planned kitchen’ matter ….our eye at Mint was very much caught this week by some possibly very telling advice from those Real Homes people on how not to do it …They threw up some guidance on seven ‘outdated’ trends to be avoided if a kitchen update is on your agenda going on into the Summer. Useful eh? …
A ‘NOW’ kitchen
We couldn’t resist flagging this key info up for you …. just in case you were right now pondering a much needed kitchen revival ….and, of course, we assume you would surely have ‘trendy’ in your outlook ….somewhere …… to ensure your new kitchen was recognisable as a NOW kitchen … of course! As said, ….remember a NOW kitchen can boost that property sale price.
Specific solutions
Explained Real Homes’ Eve Smallman …”Our experts have helpfully recommended specific solutions, which our in-house shoppers have curated to help you get those cabinets on trend ASAP. Here’s the detail – https://www.realhomes.com/design/outdated-kitchen-cabinet-trends?utm…. Check out the Real Homes list of wisdom further…. Worth it for sure!
Your ‘now’ kitchen
There’s seven key ‘no..no’s’ for YOUR planned new ‘NOW’ kitchen say Real Homes ….. check and get in the know to ensure YOU get with ‘IT with ’your new kitchen.
It CAN surely add vital extra sales money in the future …gotta be good news, eh?
Mint – knowing kitchens!

If you are located in Cheltenham and The Cotswolds ….Mint Builders of Cheltenham can initially meet and discuss options and costing issues with you to guide and reassure you about your project ideas, design, work timeline AND those all important competitive costings too. Also, ….yes.. yes of course ..we know kitchens..and kitchen choices and trends very well indeed!
Reassure and guide
Mint MD Simon West will know the key information needed and will be able reassure and guide YOU regarding all the key aspects of a project you are pondering, including informed key guidance on those vital costings and, also, the considered feasible sensible timeline likely to get YOUR all important project completed.
Simon has run and completed countless projects over the years – he’ll know what’s needed and how to help and guide you to get that project of yours on track right from the ‘off’ for sure…and with added value very much known and in mind too! Good luck with your kitchen project.
Familiar name
Mint Builders, as many know is a familiar name across the local areas for its varied, successful build project development and services. Mint, as a business, are proud to be one of Cheltenham and The Cotswolds’ leading home( and kitchen!) extension specialists, providing clients with the highest quality wide-ranging construction services, combined, of course, with excellence in terms of value for money.
Natural choice
We, as a long established, respected business are pleased to report that we appear to be something of a natural choice across the Cotswolds, and in Cheltenham, for the development of extensions of all types and styles. Our team provides attentive, wide-ranging, affordable, quality renovation, re-modelling and property re-fit.
Recommendations and referrals
Mint is confident that as a business, it really can always demonstrate and verify its record and experience, which is why so many of the company’s projects come primarily via recommendation and referral.

Approved by the Federation of Master Builders if you engage with us at Mint Builders you ensure you as a client can relax in the knowledge that they are working with a professional, expert, much respected company, taking both a project pride and dedication to achieving adding sales price value.
Innovative solutions
For us, we feel no project is too challenging or too much trouble when it comes to delivering on time, effectively and on budget. MD Simon West and his team definitely delivers practical, innovative building solutions for all kinds of residential properties.
An attentive approach
For full restorations, developments and refurbishments and, also, more modest projects, we at Mint embrace an attentive modern approach to all activities, large and small, retaining a respected traditional attitude to all aspects of customer service.
Best advice and solutions
Mint is dedicated to giving its clients the best advice and solutions to ensure every project undertaken really does meet individual precise needs and requirement in every respect. For Mint, an extension or renovation project they handle for you can surely help achieve more space and a wonderful improved home environment AND… very importantly and very hopefully…. certain future ‘added sales-price value’ for most types and size of properties.
We at Mint Builders are, of course, here to help locally with all kinds of questions and ideas and much practical advice too including costings – all relating to your up and coming new home project and plans. We at Mint are ready to assist with your 2024 home renovation priority planning and project organisation of all kinds.
Feel free to request our project planning and quotation visit to refurbish or extend your home for more energy saving ‘liveability’ and vital increased future protective money-making ‘added sales value’, never more vital than now. Contact Mint Builders on 07734 211958 or email mintbuilders@hotmail.co.uk