Basements may be down below – but there’s nothing ‘down’ about the great space and ‘added sales price value’ that’s possible with THE RIGHT basement project for YOUR home!!
Advice guides
Just recently, here on this blog – we at Mint Builders have very much been delighted to introduce our considerable following in Cheltenham, Cirencester and
The Cotswolds to the excellent wide ranging Advice Guides compliments of the very excellent and always highly informed, Homeowners Alliance!
Basement project advice
This week, the excellent Alliance team are focusing on considerations, advice and guidance reference a basement extension or renovation project.
Added sales value
Basements, for sure, offer vital extra space AND, of course – with the right, well-delivered project… ….a basement project CAN also offer impressive added sales price value too … when it’s finally time to sell- up …and move on !

For sure , there’s plenty to review and consider – and we at Mint Builders certainly know the ‘basement business’. We are very much familiar with such project challenges… and are, therefore, able to help you achieve for you and yours, THE best, tip-top effect feasible on almost all lower ground floor extension or refurbishment projects.
Right space AND price ….AND added sales value!
We at Mint can help ensure you achieve just the right basement renovation or extension that you need .. in terms of layout …and more space at your home. We can also help you achieve competitive pricing for your project … which can – in time – help you ensure you do indeed achieve worthwhile ‘added sales value’ too when the time is right for you to eventually sell up…. and move on to a new home!
Expert lowdown
Read on here now ….for all the ’ lowdown’ reference your potential basement project … which we at Mint can certainly ‘make happen’ with style and financial viability in Cheltenham, Cirencester…. and the Cotswolds all around!
HOA knowhow
Check out all expert the basement project ‘knowhow’ from those so well-informed experts at the HomeOwners Alliance ……
Expand YOUR living space!
As they say ……A basement extension can be a fantastic way to expand your living space by creating an extra bedroom, TV lounge, office or gym. We can take you through everything you need to think about, from how much it’s likely to cost… down to whether or not you will need planning permission…..
Key questions answered
The HomeOwners Alliance experts have all the answers to THE key questions and answers that you need to know about your basement project including ….check here…
Should I convert my basement…..?
Will a basement extension add value?
How much does a basement extension cost?
Other factors that might push up your basement extension costs
Do basement conversions need planning permission?
Basement ‘Impact Assessment’
Does my basement extension need Building Regulations approval?
Structural drawings
Do I need a Party Wall agreement?
How high does the ceiling need to be?
What is basement ‘tanking’ …and is it necessary?
click the link below ….
For all the vital information you need from the expert and so helpful HomeOwners Alliance team …. just a click HERE ……https://hoa.org.uk/advice/guides-for-homeowners/i-am-improving/basement-extension-where-do-i-start/#:~:text=

In Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds, we at Mint Builders are set to hand hold you all the way when it comes to your considered basement project. We are – Approved by the Federation of Master Builders… and if you engage with us at Mint Builders….. we WILL ensure that you as our client, can for sure relax in the knowledge that you are working with a professional, expert, and much respected company!
Innovative build solutions
For us, we feel no project is too challenging, or too much trouble when it comes to delivering on time, effectively and on budget. MD Simon West and his team definitely deliver practical, innovative building solutions for all kinds of residential properties, taking both pride AND dedication to help achieve that vital added sales price value for the future.
An attentive approach
For full restorations, developments and refurbishments and, also, more modest projects, we at Mint embrace an attentive modern approach to all activities, large and small, retaining a respected traditional attitude to all aspects of customer service.
Best advice and solutions
Mint is dedicated to giving its clients the best advice and solutions….. to ensure every project undertaken meets individual precise needs and requirement in every respect!
Added sales price value
For us at Mint, all and every extension or renovation project we handle for you can surely help achieve more space and a wonderful improved home environment AND… as already said can ….very importantly… and very hopefully…. help YOU achieve vital future ‘added sales-price value’ for most types and size of properties…. as and when you do sell-up and move later on!
Here to help
We are here to help YOU get all those vital key decisions right for your Home renovation or extension plans …basement or anywhere else ….….all, of course, in aid of progressing YOUR future…and that of your family!
We at Mint Builders are, of course, here to help locally with all kinds of questions and ideas and much practical advice too – including costings – all relating to your up and coming home project and plans. We at Mint are ready to assist with your 2024 home renovation priority planning and project organisation of all kinds.
Feel free to request our project review and quotation visit to refurbish or extend your home for more energy saving ‘liveability’ and vital increased future protective money-making ‘added sales value’, never more vital than now. Contact Mint Builders on 07734 211958 or email mintbuilders@hotmail.co.uk