For sure, there are so many ideas and approaches to a home extension improvement project for your – or indeed – any home. There are always a lot of different issues and considerations to take into account.. as we at Mint… here, in Cheltenham and the Cotswolds …can very much testify over our many of years of successful operation.
In the know
When it comes to being ‘in the know’ about all the ins and outs of everything relating to ‘home renovation and extensions’ – and indeed much more too – one of the ‘leading lights’ nationally is surely the well-known and much admired HomeBuilding&Renovation thriving business operation – so experienced and informative!
Highly informative
We here at Mint Builders have frequently blogged about the famous public HomeBuilding&Renovation Shows in the past. This week online, we came across their highly informative presentation of no less than 22 house extension ideas. (Writers Michael Holmes and Natasha Brinsmead)…..
Unleash potential
Explain these much respected experts,‘Our collection of brilliant house extension ideas will provide you with all the inspiration you need to transform how you use your home ….and unleash its potential.
Enhance existing space
These two well-informed experts point out that their schedule of ‘best’ house extension ideas will not only add the extra space required by the occupants of the property, but, should also enhance the existing spaces of their home too!
Do your research!
They add, “If you are planning on building an extension, then it is essential that you do your research …in order to get a firm idea of the kind of design that WILL work best for you! Our round up of inspiration projects should also help”.
Guidance and thoughts
Click here – https://www.homebuilding.co.uk/ideas/house-extension-idea to check out all the expert guidance and thoughts on offer for you from Homebuilding and Renovation ….all there and sure to help, inspire, guide and inform all and every householder with every kind of ideas and suggestions needed to aid their own up and coming future home extension project…both for now… or in the future too!

This wealth of expert guidance and advice …we at Mint reckon…. is sure to inspire your project in so many ways covering so many different aspects of developing the ideal home extension right for you and yours.
Ultimate ideas and suggestions
Every type of extension is highlighted by the H&R experts, so this really is the ultimate source of ideas and suggestions regarding the many ins and outs of extending your home and what’s needed to get your project right and ensure it turns out to be the very best it can be in every way.
Extension types and issues
Among the extension types and issues highlighted in this superb bumper presentation are – glass link extensions; mirroring existing building features; glazed extensions; The right extension cladding; Small house extensions – and the difference they can make; Reconfiguring existing spaces when extending; Two storey extensions; materials used …. and much more too!
Good luck
Go here… https://www.homebuilding.co.uk/ideas/house-extension-idea…. and be sure….if you are extending or renovating soon… it’s a must to check out ….and good luck with YOUR up and coming project whatever it may be and however modest …or large it is to be..
Mint…on hand to help!
In Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds we at Mint Builders are of course ready and set to go to ‘hand hold’ YOU all the way when it comes to your considered extension project… whatever its size..type and challenges.

Approved by the Federation of Master Builders… if you engage with us at Mint Builders….. you will ensure that you as a client can relax in the knowledge that you are working with a professional, expert, and much respected, imaginative company.
Innovative build solutions
For us at Mint , we feel no project is too challenging, or too much trouble, when it comes to delivering on time, effectively AND on budget too. MD Simon West and his team definitely deliver practical, innovative building solutions for all kinds of residential properties, taking both pride AND dedication in order to help YOU achieve that vital added sales price value for the future.
An attentive approach
For full restorations, developments and refurbishments and, also, more modest projects, we at Mint embrace an attentive, modern approach to all activities, large and small, retaining a respected traditional attitude to all aspects of customer service.
Best advice and solutions
Mint is dedicated to giving its clients the best advice and solutions….. to ensure every project undertaken meets individual precise needs and requirements in every respect!
Added sales price value
For us at Mint, all and every extension or renovation project we handle for you can surely help achieve so so much – more space and a wonderful improved home environment AND… as already said can ….very importantly… and very hopefully…. can help YOU achieve that oh so vital future ‘added sales-price value’ for most types and size of properties…. as and when you do eventually sell-up and move at a later date!
Here to help
We are here to help YOU get all those vital key decisions right for your Home renovation or extension plans ….….all, of course, in aid of progressing YOUR future…and that of all of your family!
We at Mint Builders are, of course, here to help locally with all kinds of questions and ideas and much practical advice too – including costings – all relating to your up and coming home project and plans. We at Mint are ready to assist with your 2024 home renovation priority planning and project organisation of all kinds.
Feel free to request our project review and quotation visit to refurbish or extend your home for more energy saving ‘liveability’ and vital increased future protective money-making ‘added sales value’, never more vital than now. Contact Mint Builders on 07734 211958 or email mintbuilders@hotmail.co.uk