For sure, as we at Mint Builders know only too well, a home extension or renovation, if done right AND within budget, can very much help achieve vital addd sales price value for the future for many homes. A further consideration to helping to achieve this vital sales price advantage perhaps, can be……to an extent at least…. all about the ‘finish and decor’ you chose for your exciting new space!
All important
‘Up to date’ and ‘eye-catching’ are all important for those ‘new space home project ’ paint decor choices and finishes … so the experts – who surely know – very clearly suggest.
Advice, considerations… and guidance
With this very much in in mind, we at Mint spotted this week online…. all kinds of advice, considerations and guidance on ….’what’s in and what’s out’ …..when it comes to those ‘oh so vital’ ..decor colour choices and finishes best to use in throughout your new room space as a whole.
Among those we checked out ….and who caught our eye were those very well-informed Real Home decor ‘aficionados’….There was also, the very much respected House&Garden experts magazine too ….. ….. always very well informed on decor trends and potential effects!
Explains Real Homes ….You may not have realised how much the outdated living room colours in your space can both hold back your aesthetic and the enjoyment of it.

There are plenty of points to consider as the experts know only too well ….and that’s for sure! As with fashion perhaps, the popularity of home colour and varied decor effects tends to change constantly reference the likes and dislikes of effective colour matching choices!
Trending now
There’s all sorts of issues to ponder… shades of colour choices for special effects … ‘trending now’ colours….and avoiding old-style colour ….very very far from being ‘in-vogue’ for now! …..The headline message is for sure that the RIGHT colour WILL help you enjoy your new home space and could vitally too aid future buyer response as and when selling time comes round ….every little helps ….and that’s for sure!
Know what’s right
These expert colour ‘types’ know what colours are right and which are worth having with which other or not …. …and they very much know which are the ‘now’ popular colours …and those colours that have recently gone ‘out’ of fashion….and even perhaps also those unlikely to ever return!.
Colour ‘gurus’
It is good indeed, say the colour ‘gurus’…..to be aware of influential trends… initial people response to colours ….AND the very significant overall effect that the right decor just might have…… in getting the right response from a potential interested ‘buyer’of your home with its new extension renovation or last minute ‘makeover’…..
Check it all out
So, with ALL this in mind….read on further…. and take due note…. keeping in mind that there surely can be real advantage in the right colour choices for many different reasons …and that is good to know, wouldn’t YOU say? Give it a go….the lowdown is here https://www.realhomes.com/design/outdated-living-room-colors? …….
…..worth reviewing too!
Also, there are the ‘House&Garden expert ideas too. For sure the knowledge of these experts is very much worth while checking out up on too on this link…. https://www.houseandgarden.co.uk/gallery/how-to-choose-paint-colours. Also, worth reviewing …..29 paint projects that will spruce up your interiors

Good luck ….. hope you ‘colour up’ YOUR home renovation or extension just right …both for now …..and for later on too, as and when it may come to the time for your next home move!
Mint…on budget
In Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds we at Mint Builders are, of course, always able to advise and guide effectively on many aspects of presentation and decor to best effect for ‘later on sale budgeting into the build and supply aspects they make to your project…. whatever project type it is it ….and whatever it’s size..style and challenges!

Approved by the Federation of Master Builders… if you engage with us at Mint Builders….. you will ensure that you as a client can relax in the knowledge that you are working with a professional, expert, and much respected, imaginative company.
Innovative build solutions
For us at Mint , we feel no project is too challenging, or too much trouble, when it comes to delivering on time, effectively AND on budget too. MD Simon West and his team definitely deliver practical, innovative building solutions for all kinds of residential properties, taking both pride AND dedication in order to help YOU achieve that vital added sales price value for the future.
An attentive approach
For full restorations, developments and refurbishments and, also, more modest projects, we at Mint embrace an attentive, modern approach to all activities, large and small, retaining a respected traditional attitude to all aspects of customer service. best advice and solutions
Best advice and budgeting
Mint is dedicated to giving its clients the best advice and solutions ….. to ensure every project undertaken meets individual precise needs and requirements in every respect..including it build project budgeting!
Added sales price value
For us at Mint, all and every extension or renovation project we handle for you can surely help achieve so so much – more space… and a wonderful improved home environment.
Also, very importantly… and very hopefully….we can also help our customers achieve that ‘oh so vital’ future ‘added sales-price value’ for most types and size of properties…. as and when you do eventually sell-up and move at a later date!
Here to help
We are here to help YOU get ALL the vital key decisions right for your Home renovation or extension plans ….….all, of course, in aid of progressing YOUR future…and that of all of your family!
We at Mint Builders are, of course, here to help locally with all kinds of questions and ideas and much practical advice too – including costings – all relating to your up and coming home project and plans. We at Mint are ready to assist with your 2024 home renovation priority planning and project organisation of all kinds.
Feel free to request our project review and quotation visit to refurbish or extend your home for more energy saving ‘liveability’ and vital increased future protective money-making ‘added sales value’, never more vital than now. Contact Mint Builders on 07734 211958 or email mintbuilders@hotmail.co.uk